First Astrological House of Astrology

roman house in Astrology

First House: In astrology, the 1st House represents who you really are. You are composed of the following like self-awareness, physical attributes, personal convictions and the environment in which you were raised. It’s the space where we of our real identity and how we express ourselves impulsively. The Planets contained in this House have a significant impact on our behavior, individuality and how people view us. The Natural Ruler of the 1st House is Mars. It has a distinct influence on who you are and how you express yourself. If you combine the energy of Mars with the energy of the ruler of the 1st House, you will get a picture of how people see you. Planets in this house add to this to influence.

roman gladiatorThe first house is the most important out of the four angular houses that are represented by the North, South, East and West points on a compass. This is because the horoscope essentially stands for the whole map of how our destiny develops from day to day. These are also four quadrants of the zodiacal wheel. Angular houses are much similar to the cardinal zodiac signs. They make us brave enough to initiate – in this case, how we would like to look at ourselves and what other people would think of us. Love My First House!


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