What Rules Bridges in Astrology?
Bridges are ruled by Saturn. Co-ruler of Bridges is Neptune and Pluto. Further study is required for different types of Bridges.
What Is a Bridge?
Bridges are a form of structure that can be constructed in order to go from one side of a river or ravine to cross over to other side. There are many types of obstacles that a bridge is used for, such as bodies of water, valleys, roads, or railways. They are built to give over an obstruction, which is typically something that is too difficult or impossible to traverse without it. There are many designs of bridges available and each design has its own unique features and can be used in different conditions and situations. Depending on various factors such as the purpose of the bridge, the terrain where it is installed and anchored, materials used in fabrication, financial resources, etc., these designs differ considerably. Prehistoric people built bridges that were made with fallen trees and stepping stones. They would also build stone bridges across marshland. Love My Bridge!